17.8.2009 | 15:14
Auglýsing frá stjórnvöldum?
Iceland has adapted a policy of reducing its workforce to the bare minimum of labor needed to operate aluminum smelters and other energy intensive industries as well as fisheries and the fish processing industry. Some additional workforce will be providing services to those occupied in those industries and possibly some other export activity.
Other workforce, including skilled and trained professionals in engineering, architecture, software industry, medical (doctors, nurses), education, banking, retail, building industry and other professions are to be expatriated away from Iceland.The aim is to raise money through increased export income and reduced import expenditure to help refinance the states of UK and The Netherlands that have been severely hit by the economic crisis.
The spare workforce is available for value adding job positions in the above mentioned countries or elsewhere where they will pay income taxes and spend their income to further help reviving those economies.
We therefore can offer an excellent group of multilingual, internationally educated and trained employees in various professions.For those interested in hiring or contracting some of those people please send your enquiries to the Icelandic Directorate of Labor: vinnumalastofnun@vmst.is
The Icelandic Directorate of Labor web page is: http://www.vinnumalastofnun.is/english
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