17.8.2009 | 18:15
Smá IceSave pæling
Ég hef ekki enn þá skilið af hverju Bretar settu hryðjuverkalög á Landsbankann og Ísland. E.t.v. var það allt byggt á einhverjum misskilningi. T.d. á misskilningi milli Gordon og Darling svona eitthvað á þessa leið:
A conversation in Downingstreet early October 2008:
Darling; What do you say about the financial crisis today?
Gordon: Oh my Darling. This, I say, is terrifying
Darling: So true, so true
Gordon: We should take appropriate measure
Darling; Terror implies anti-terror measure. Ill attend to it immediately
Gordon: The whole bank sector must receive the same treatment at the same time. We must also protect the depositors of IceSave. The Icelandic banks cant be rescued.
Darling: Ill be ruthlessly effective. I havent forgotten the cod war. And their minister of finance has a better car than I do.
Gordon: Their image is in tatter. We must also let those Icelanders know what we think about it.
Darling: Consider it done.
Gordon: You are a good chap, Darling.
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It is so simple.....Maybe you need a better education.....but when someone is stealing money from you, you would think it is best to stop it.........Do you agree ??????? (Say yes if you do not want people to steal from you)
If you tell them to stop stealing from you, and they continue to steal from you, do you think it is a good idea to try and stop them (say yes if you do not want them to continue to steal from you)
Do you think it is a good idea to shut the door so they cannot continue to steal from you...(Say yes...It is a good idea to stop them from stealing from me)
Fair Play no more (IP-tala skráð) 17.8.2009 kl. 19:55
An excellent sample of an irrelevant comment without any informative content at all and signed with an unnamed insult.
Þorsteinn Helgi Steinarsson, 17.8.2009 kl. 21:35
Skaðinn sem þessir herramenn unnu okkur er gríðarlegur. Það er ágætis líkur á að Kaupþing hefði lifað, í það minnsta nógu lengi til að koma eignum í þokkalegt verð.
Haraldur Baldursson, 18.8.2009 kl. 14:27
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.